The New Avatar Series!!!

Posted: November 3, 2010 in Uncategorized
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For all you Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans… I’m talking about to the ones who love the animated series. I just want to give you a heads up… I just recorded an episode today in which I play a character that is a big surprise… (at least it was to me) & I must say it was so great to be back in that world and seeing a bunch of the old crew, including the Director Andrea Romano, the creators Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko… I love you guys. Even seeing our sound engineer, Justin and Shannon in casting was great. Its like a family reunion. I did miss Mae Whitman and sent her a text from the sound booth.

But to the die hard fans, I don’t think you will be disappointed with the new series… I think its going to be amazing and I’m just honored to be apart of it again.

Long live the Benders from all Four Elements… but especially the Fire Nation!

  1. teluete says:

    Good to know you still have a part in the new series. Can’t wait to see it. 🙂

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gabrielle Lopez, Dante Basco. Dante Basco said: The New Avatar Series!!!: […]

  3. Bessie says:

    I’m super excited to be seeing what kind of role you’ll be playing 🙂 Must be Zuko related I’m sure, I think.. haha.

    ❤ ❤

  4. Charamy says:

    So excited for the new series! Glad you have another role… Perhaps a reprise? From one Filipino to another, I’m delighted that someone so passionate about getting the word out is once again able to reach the media and inspire others. Good luck, and I am sure you will once more have yet another incredible journey with this series!

  5. Avatar_Mom says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this news. With the series debut so far away, there has been a lull in conversation.

    I am excited by your enthusiasm. As a woman, the idea of Korra is monumental to me. I am extremely grateful that the crew will bring another strong woman into the world of animation and beyond. Continuing their legacy of giving voices to characters we normally do not get to know beyond their usual roles.

  6. Mimi says:

    So happy to hear you’ll be a part of the new series! Your work as Zuko was incredible, and I can’t wait to see how you’ll manifest in “Korra.” The child of Zuko and Mai, perhaps? Very exciting! Thanks for all your amazing acting–you’re a huge inspiration to this young Asian-American.

  7. Tony Obfenda says:

    Flippin’ form the East coast!! My kids r gonna jump for joy when they hear about a new Airbender series! LOLOLOL and PLEASE, keep Shammalaan and Paramount as faaar away from this as you possibly can!! hahahahahahahahaha

  8. mordicai says:

    Great news. I’m very excited, & glad to hear about your involvement. Eek, good to hear.

  9. Very exciting News! I can’t wait to see what character you are and The Legend of Korra in general. Zuko was my favorite character.

    See full response Here:

  10. inknose says:

    !!! 😀 it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you will have some part in the new show. SO EXCITED, how could it not be amazing with such a talented team of people behind it ❤

  11. MechanicalMisha says:

    I’m happy to hear that at least one of the old voices will be returning 🙂
    You’re an amazing voice actor and I can’t wait to see the new series ❤

  12. Robbin says:

    This is amazing. Keep up the awesome work! I can’t wait for the new series. It’s great to know that the cast is like a family! ❤ Things like this make me smile.

  13. Hedvig says:

    Gosh! I can’t wait to see the new series, I’m so excited! 😀 And I’m really glad to hear you’re involved in it! 🙂

  14. makena says:

    …”but especially the fire nation”

    you rock dante!

  15. miss_sanguine says:

    Aww. I think it’s so sweet that you sent a text to Mae. I look forward to this new series.

  16. KissOfDanger says:

    I’m soo excited to hear this! I wonder how long recording takes for just one episode?

  17. ePirat says:

    Yeah, great, I am german and bought the English DVD because I dont like the german voice actors^^
    I cant wait too, to see the new series!

  18. Deborah Brown says:

    I just can’t express how excited I am to know you’re going to be part of the new series. Whomever your mysterious character is, I’m going to be bouncing off the walls when I hear you.

  19. Nadia says:

    HELL YES!!!!!! It’s about time I’m so excited I can’t wait I have every single series of the Last Airbender and I love all of them!!!! I’ve been waiting for it to come back and was worried it wouldn’t but now this has given me so much hope and I couldn’t stop jumping around after reading this… even though I am 20

  20. Aang Girl says:

    OMG!!! Zuko, have fun! i have to dissagree though, long live the AIR BENDERS!!!! (said in pure fun). I hope you enjoy your new character. I personally hope for your sucsess. i know you played a great Zuko. how is everyone? Zachary and such? i hope Aang lived a happy life after the war. did you find your mom? did Kataang ever happen? i really want a 4th season of Avatar: The Last Airbender. not dissin the new one, just missin the old one!

  21. Jacob says:

    Your talent and voice will be a crucial element to the new series, I am sure. Congrats.

  22. Daphne says:

    That is so great to hear! I can’t wait for the new series and it’s amazing to know you have a part in it. I’m still crossing my fingers for Zuko to have a cameo somewhere!

  23. Lauren says:

    Hi Dante! I hope you’re doing well. I’m sooo excited to hear you’ll be part of The Legend of Korra!

    When I read the part about you sending Mae a text message, it made me smile from ear to ear. Do you know if Mae will have a part in Korra too? I’m just curious and hoping she does. I know if she does, it won’t be Katara, but that’s okay with me. It would just be awesome to hear Mae in the new series! Katara was my favorite character and the one I identified with as well as Toph. But Zuko was also a favorite of mine too.

    Mae herself has also been an inspiration to me and touched my life in a special way.
    I wish you well in everything you do and the same goes for Mae! I Look forward to hearing you in the Legend of Korra!
    God bless

  24. Austin says:

    That’s cool you’re back. Wonder if this new role will be Zuko’s or Azula’s descendant? If it’s the latter I’ll be intrigued . Or is it an older Zuko?

  25. Jonathan Day says:

    This is awesome news! I’m so excited for this new series, the fact that the Avatar universe is going to live on is brilliant. It’s great having something to look forward to and I can’t wait to hear your dulcet tones in some new episodes!

  26. Happy de Guzman says:

    So glad that you have a part in something so epic once again! This is the best news I’ve heard all day!

  27. somerandomavatarfan says:

    Hell. Yes.

    I’d add more, but what can I say what someone else already hasn’t? I can’t wait to watch this series.

  28. sandra says:

    Seriously, I’ve only heard good things about Korra every which way, and it’s like torture now! And you doing a voice again??? Brilliant!! I’m such a fan of Zuko, and I can’t wait to hear who your new character’ll be.

  29. Lurial says:

    Oh lordy, I’m so excited to hear this! And I’m super thrilled that you’re doing voice-work for Avatar again. You’re an awesome voice-actor!

  30. Jeromy says:

    Your made my day! You did a fantastic job as Zuko in A:TLA. Knowing your going to be a part of the new series makes me confident it will be great.

  31. toolplace.wordpress says:

    Wow i love your blog its awesome nice colors you must have did hard work on your blog. Keep up the good work. Thanks

  32. gossip girl says:

    my sister always had a crush on zuko. now she can have a nother. C: thanks

  33. dearbabywithpepe says:

    i can only juss what you’ll be acting for. if i jess right will you tell?

  34. taydev says:

    OMG! im hyperventilating with excitement!!

  35. Bri says:

    This honestly made my day. Avatar was my secret obessesion growing up. Now, im in college, but i still have a place in my heart for it. Now, i can have a new show to love. Its hard to find good shows like this nowadays with reality tv and shows just out for the ratings and money. Its good that your still out there supporting this. It hurts to see so many asian americans not out there acting because of hollywood. My new boyfriend is filipino american and we had a heart to heart talk about race(im a mixed race-cherokee, japanese, black,german,irish),just not on the same level as him. I went home for break and watched the new karate kid over a box of chinese food and i cried. I tried to find one good show, movie, singer, actor… Anyone or anything that wasnt racist against asians. It was basically none. (They have to put up with so much stereotypes, its dishearting.)But, i kept coming back to you. You’re an inspiration. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  36. azn_Zutarian says:

    Holy monkey-feathers! That’s so cool! Looking forward to your episode…flameo Hotman Dante! =] My inner Avatard couldn’t be more happy.

  37. Sro says:

    Have you heard anything about…Jade…..and I’m like for real please respond.

  38. Sro says:

    BTW you’re a great voice actor. Go Fire Nation!!!

  39. Jun says:


  40. AJ says:

    I’m tearbending from NEW news surrounding Korra & finally waving goodbye to ATLA. It’s a shame we won’t get to watch Korra grow from the start. (There’ll probably be a montage).

  41. Marian says:

    When I first heard that “The Legend of Korra” will soon be on TV, I was excited! And now that you even have a role in it, my heart may have flown higher than Appa. Hahahaha! I’m not only a fan of the ATLA series, but I am also one of your fans. Keep up the good work! We’ll all be waiting eagerly to see your character.

  42. Areli says:

    Oh! This made my day soooo much!

    And why do I have this strange vibe on who it is? Like…Tenzin…But that couldn’t be it…

    Whoever it is, I am excited for this show and know you, Mike, Bryan, and all of the ATLA peeps are doing a fantastic job with this show. 😀

  43. Tracy says:

    Then, I will definitely be checking out the show. You don’t know how badly I wanted you to play Prince Zuko in the movie, you brought a two-dimensional character alive, you made him believable!!

  44. olla says:

    *totally freaking out right now… not unlike a certain cabbage vendor*

    (directed here from ontd)

  45. Mirei says:

    Hooray! This is awesome! I was hoping some of the Avatar cast would get involved in this project.Long live the Firebenders!

    Now I really can’t wait for Legend of Korra next autumn… =]

  46. hannah says:

    im so excited to hear that you have a part in The Legend of Korra. ur voice gives me shivers. sounds creepy, right? but seriously, cool voice.

  47. I’m biased to the Fire Nation. I am really looking forward to the Legend of Korra, now! I was before, but it’s really exciting knowing you will be in it. You gave such life to Zuko. I’ve no doubt you will give life to this new character.

  48. zuko fan says:

    i am SOOOO incredibly excited for “the legend of korra”. i just about died when i read about the announcement that was made at comic-con. i’m so happy that dimartino, konietzko, and zuckerman will be working on this project!!! =D

    i discovered “avatar: the last airbender” earlier this year while channel surfing and i’ve been a fan ever since. i’ve watched the series so many times that i’ve lost count. zuko is my all time favorite character and i think it’s awesome that you’ll be doing one of the voices for “the legend of korra”!! i don’t think i can wait an entire year for this to come out!!

  49. Sylver says:

    O thank god. I was so upset when I heard that the original characters were not going to be in this spin off but haha! Now I don’t have to miss the classic voice of the Fire Nation. Now I’m a million times more excited!

    O and Prince Zuko is by far my favorite character.

  50. Benjamin says:

    You are awesome, and I’m glad they are having you back. I can’t wait to get immersed in the next Avatar saga 🙂

  51. Becca says:

    omg yay im so excited i want it 2 be july!!! 😀

  52. Sera says:

    I am excited for the new series! Somehow though, my excitement is slightly dampened by the knowledge that there is now no possibility whatsoever for Zutara…

  53. Anneleen says:

    Here is Belgium, we had a horrible voice-actor for Zuko. But when i saw the series on nickelodeon, i really loved the animation and started watching it online, in english of course. Then i fell in love with Zuko. I loved it and i’m really happy you’ll be back on the show. I wonder if people will recognize it’s the same voice as Zuko’s though.

  54. dave says:

    i am very excited for the new serise cant wait very happy i have been a fan since the very first airing of avatar so im glad a new one is coming out. this serise is the only serise that i can go near that is romotly close 2 a cartoon because my parents fell in love with it to especialy my dad cause he loved how every move was an actual martail art move and it stayed that wey.

  55. Elise says:

    I THink this is gonna be a really good show, but I’m so mad that Aang and Katara had a kid!!! >:-(
    Did you like Zuko and Katara or Aang and Katara?

  56. longridr says:

    The avatar series was AMAZING i cant wait for the new one zuko was the best in my opinion. it’s made me wanna be a voice actor ever since i saw it 4 years ago. It’ll definately be ecxiting to see if there’s flashbacks of what happened after season 3 because i’ve been itching to know.
    keep up the great work!

  57. Kureko says:

    When does the new series air?? I’m so excited! 😀

  58. tayla says:

    omg so excited for the new series! i hope it isnt as dissapointing as the movie… k hope its great! will there be kataang flashbacks? OMG I HOPE THERE WILL BE! and i also hope that they answer the question about zuko’s mom!

  59. FireCyclops86 says:

    I want to follow you in twitter, man.
    I’m serious. what’s your username?

  60. Waterbender96 says:

    Oh my gods!!!! Thanks for sharing the news! I can’t wait for the Korra series!!! Please keep posting news about Korra!!!
    I wish the new series have a lot of Kataang scenes ^^ (LONG LIFE KATAANG!!!!) I can’t wait for new characters (and new ships ^^) I’m so exited!!!!

  61. Anonymous says:

    What i have heard about the series is that it does not play with the original characters. This i think is a great idea of refreshing the old story, but the way you left us hanging in last season is unfair. What happened to Zuko’s mom? What will happen to Azula? Will she escape? What about airbenders? will Aang be the last one?

  62. MeiMusono says:

    cool! I made a fanscript! what’s ur character’s name?

  63. Ashland says:

    OMG!! Watch him play Tenzin or something… i really hope so!

  64. MustObeyFireNation says:

    Im just DIEING to know who he plays!!??!!??!!?? 😀

  65. MustObeyFireNation says:

    When does it come out?!?!?! 😀

  66. Wonderful news, I’m so happy! Thank you for lending your talent to the world of Avatar. The series is an inspiration to me! ^__^ I’m so excited for Korra, and can’t wait to see what your surprise role will be. Keep up the good work!

  67. FireNation_18 says:

    I Think you should of been Zuko for the movie the REAL ZUKO like on the real! I really hope the directors rethink and consider make ATLA book 4 cuz i miss ATLA even though idk how the Legend of Korra is but still theres nothing like the one with team Avatar lol, iam excitied for the Korra series even though im going to miss the original cast =( hopefully we get to see what happened after the war tho

  68. Frank says:

    I am excited to see that they are bring avatar back, but very dissapointed that they are not bringing back the original series. I meen why not? It is such a good story and they are all still so young. Are you telling me that for the rest of the Avatars life nothing interesting happens? With the original story being such a success, i believe they are making a mistake by not continuuing it, but i still have my hopes for the new saga. If you see this and have time, i would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this. Sorry for not being a kiss a## like the rest, but just expressign my view.

    • AJ says:

      They will continue ATLA – in the form of “digest-style graphic novels. M&B are collaborating with DarkHorse comics to resolve the unending questions fans have with the first series. They’ll be released next year.

    • Tracy C. says:

      I’m not a kiss a$$ either, but I really don’t feel it’s right or fair to make a snap judgment about the new series without even seeing it. I’m excited to see how it’s progressed, and I would love to get any tidbit as to whom Dante will be playing. I think a person needs to give the new series a chance before making any nasty remarks.

      • frank says:

        What are u talking about nasty remark on the new series. I said that I have high hopes for the new saga. If its made by the same people I do not see how it couldn’t be great

      • AL says:

        She’s not bashing you; but seriously, half your post sounded like you were moaning over the fact we would never see the GAang again.
        (Have you heard of the recent character names: Ikki, Puma, Skoocher?)

  69. Tracy says:

    Oh hey, I wasn’t talking about you. No worries. I think the series is going to be excellent. I’m thrilled that there are more episodes than 12 now… Bryke’s doing it, The Track Team is on board, they have a great cast…. Biased to the owner of this blog *grin* But Frank, I wasn’t pointing fingers at you. I believe in peace and friendship. 🙂

  70. Tracy says:

    The GAang will be missed, but that’s why Dark Horse is coming out with the book/comic, so we will get a little more and maybe get some answers as to what happened to certain characters.

    I haven’t heard those names. I know they named a character in honor of Mako, which I think is fantastic. I would LOVE more info, *Hint, hint* but everyone is being so hush hush about it.

    Like I said on the ATLAonline forum, it will be nice to have the Avatar world back and a new story with new characters, It’s going to be refreshing to have something really good on regular Nickelodeon. I mean some of the shows are all right, but some are just recycled copies of other junk… Same types of shows, just different faces, but then, I came from a time when Nickelodeon was really good and mourn for those archaic days. LOL

    • AL says:

      I know what you mean. I grew up watching Pete & Pete, All That, Kenan & Kel, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, etc. In fact, I stopped watching NICK a long time ago; I just happened to stumble across an ATLA marathon while I was channel-surfing.

      Honestly, I’m happy we’ll find out what happened to the GAang b/c of the comics; but I really hope they can make Korra as “relatable” as a person just like the characters from the previous show. (Call me a pessimist but the fact Waterbenders are the creators’ favorite, she’s 3/4 finished with her training & the fact women really SHINE on the show makes me think she’ll be no different than a Mary-Sue.)

      • Tracy says:

        I’m a female and I grow bored with the “Girl Power” thing, too. I never knew Waterbenders were the creators’ favorite.

        I always liked the Fire Nation. Even more so with the Sun Warrior philosophy. You know, Al, we should talk Avatar. *Grin* You should join the forum I’m on, your comments would be most welcome there. It’s a great batch of people from all over the world who dearly love all things ATLA related.

        BTW, I’ve tweeted with Dante before, and he’s passed on some of the kindest messages to my son with autism. If you want to talk about genuine people who are kind, Dante is it. He’s the real deal.

      • AL says:

        Well, I’ll be sure to check in when I make the time.

        Genuine people, huh? Well, it’s one of the main reasons I like watching NBC’s Nightly News with Brian Williams; the last segment, “Making A Difference” covers stories about genuine people.

  71. Tracy says:

    Yeah, the admin, and super mod there are great. I’m easy to find because I’m Tracy on there as well. It’s the only place where I have my last name posted.

    Yeah, Dante is genuine, he’s made a difference in my son’s life. Being that it’s summer, my son is now sporting a mohawk that we dyed red. He’s thrilled with it, and he looks cute, too, but he partly got it because of who he admires. 🙂

  72. Angela says:

    Love it!!

  73. You should’ve been in the movie if you ask me… Midnight was the worst director they couldve chosen for this type of movie… horiibly disappointing… The animated series is way better. Glad to hear you will be in the sound booth doing ur thing. Can’t wait to see it with my little ones.

    Angel Simmons

  74. Susan yim says:

    I love you Dante!! and I live the animated series. legend of Korea is, amazing!! I can’t wait to watch the rest of the season and to listen to.your sexy voice

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