30 day challenge

Posted: November 1, 2018 in Uncategorized

30 day challenge… #passion30

So I was on my IG yesterday and I saw my friend Nikki Soohoo doing a 30 day challenge for the month of November with Passion Planner. So, I thought I should join in. Here it goes, I’m going write everyday for the next 30 days. (Hopefully it will kickstart me to continue writing more) I need to write more anyway, in the middle of some scripts and a book and I always have parts of poems swimming around my mind. I’ve been a little uninspired lately… or lazy or… I don’t know, in that space in between, y’know. So, I’m going to take this chance to write, roll with me if you like, it’s the first of the month and maybe this can help you pick something back up too.

As an extra added bonus, the Passion Planner folks said they would let me gift a person every week a passion planner who’s doing this challenge with us. That’s kinda cool and came out of nowhere. I’m actually interested in using there planner too to see how it can help me get my life together!

But I like writing, I’ve been running around the world so much lately, I haven’t had a lot of time to digest things, so I’ll just write, in my private journal, maybe I’ll post something’s publicly, but yeah, I like writing. It’s like I get to have these conversations with myself and maybe work somethings out.

In any case, if you want to join me in this month of challenging yourself to accomplish something everyday, please do so, and tag me or something and I’ll pick someone every week to send a Passion Planner to and maybe we can all do something pretty cool this month.

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